publications by year
I have two poems forthcoming in Action, Spectacle!
“beware false prophets”
I have a poem forthcoming in South Dakota Review!
“red ode”
Miracle Monocle
“self portrait as phosphene”
”Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 8”
”Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 9”
marrow magazine
“Sleep Hygiene”
“who would you even be then”
Vagabond City
“Not my first time on the carousel eating a cake of thorns”
Inflectionist Review
“an edge | is like a separation without an ending”
The Shore
“my uncle sends me boxes of her things”
CALYX vol 33:3
“pure o”
”chronic lyric: architect”
”chronic lyric: feeding storm”
”chronic lyric: corrosion”
“Subjective Units of Distress Scale 1-10
(with 5 bonus units for additional introspection)”
Up the Staircase
“chronic lyric: pollutant”
Dream Pop
“trance while grieving”
Jet Fuel Review
“creature i’ve begotten”
The Hunger
”haunt recursion”
Everything in Aspic
“how to survive a crisis without making it worse”
Honey & Lime
”Elementary School Interview”
“chronic lyric ix”
Glass: A Journal of Poetry
“Sharing the Frame”
”A Plastic Portion in Detail”
Cosmonauts Avenue
“chronic lyric xiii”
”Depth/Space Perception”
Pretty Owl Poetry
“If You’re Suicidal, Staying Alive Is the Most Selfless Thing
You Can Do”
[from far away the hawk is a beauty; from close up it is a fright]
Ghost City Review
“My mother speaks to me from the grave, again”
“Written Over :: In Corpore Sano Presents Jill Khoury”
a feature for The Operating System
Up The Staircase Quarterly
Always Crashing
Inverted Syntax
”chronic lyric ii”
”chronic lyric iii”
”chronic lyric iv”
”chronic lyric vi”
Thirteen Myna Birds
Washing my face before bed, mother’s day 2018
Litany for Survival
Inverted Syntax
"chronic lyric i"
Really System
Unlost: A Journal of Found Poetry & Art
"Fixation Object"
Deaf Poets' Society
"i am a virus"
Jet Fuel Review
Gigantic Sequins > order here
"Substitute for Ego"
Crab Fat Magazine
[failure to thrive]
"Over the Eyes"
"Losses Trouble the Field"
I have a poem forthcoming in Red Paint Hill!
"Bridge Freezes Before Road"
Bone Bouquet < order here
COVER PHOTO BY JILL KHOURY. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: On a pale background, a carousel horse sits on a plate, surrounded by lush green leaves and moss. A green stalk seems to grow from the withers. The stalk bisects the title “earthwork.”
Winner of the 2023 Gatewood Prize! Support indie presses by purchasing earthwork from Switchback Books.
cover photo by pete eckert. Image description: on a black background, a ballerina dances. Light painting records the trajectory of her arms up and and down. so it looks like she is exposed many times. her arms are reflected in fiery projections.
Support indie presses by ordering Suites for the Modern Dancer at the Sundress Publications website or purchase on Amazon.
Cover art by mandem. image description: the cover is like a palimpsest with multiple typed pages. The most prominent words are “hold the spirit of / into the body.” overlaying all the pages is a tattered scrim of moss, with a pink budding flower in the upper right corner.
Support indie presses by purchasing Chance Operations from Paper Nautilus Press.
"At Thirteen"
"Thrash in Eighths"
Lunch Ticket
"Sonnet for Ambien"
Gargoyle 64 > order here
"In Some Legends"
"Drowning at Cinchona Lake"
Sugared Water 4 > order here
"Night Cultivars"
Lines+Stars Best of 2013-2015 > order here
Online + Hybrid
"Narrow Elegy for 39"
Kettle Blue Review
": : Grief : Hunger"
Hermeneutic Chaos
"Turncoat Erotica"
"After Max Ernst's The Entire City"
Drunk in a Midnight Choir
"Divining Child"
"The Agnostic Addresses Dog"
[optic nerve hypoplasia]
"the heart is at least as big as a fist, and"
Pretty Owl
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 2"
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 6"
"Angels and Zombies"
The Knicknackery
Pittsburgh City Paper
"The Fortune Teller Channels My Dead Mother"
"Rounding Down"
Tinderbox Poetry
": : Grief : Romance"
Pittsburgh Poetry Review < order here
"Cranial Nerve II"
Copper Nickel < order Issue 21 here
Quaint < order
[rotary nystagmus]
indefinite space > order here
"For Weeks I Have Been Waiting for Something Pleasant to Write About"
Heavy Feather Review: Vacancies > order here
Online + Hybrid
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 1"
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 4"
"39 Ways to Disappear"
Arsenic Lobster
"The Eye Surgeon"
Stone Highway Review
"Pain Taxonomy"
Phantom Kangaroo
"Night Cultivars"
Lines+Stars (Themed Issue: Recovery)
"Critical Tension"
Stirring: A Literary Collection
"After Edvard Munch's Anxiety, 1894"
"Full-Blown Sugar"
Apeiron Review
I have a cento, called "ere gifts," and based on Milton's "On His Blindness" in this Wordgathering virtual roundtable "When I Consider John Milton," edited by Mike Northen and Desmond Kenny
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 3"
Stone Highway Review or purchase here
"Aspects of the Dream Are Aspects of the Dreamer : 7"
Banango Street
Dressing Room
"A Hundred Costumes"
Rose Red Review
"Insect Corollary"
Cactus Heart
Menacing Hedge Limited Edition Anthology
"Far from Christiania"
"Storm Surge History"
Off the Coast
"My Collected Works"
Escape into Life: Haunting Poems
"Caning after Dark"
"Certain Seams"
"Saltation with Cane"
Sheila Black's review of Borrowed Bodies
Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature
"Certain Seams"
Split This Rock 2013 Poetry Contest, 3rd Place
"Atlanta International Airport, Part 1"
"Paper Dancing Girl"
Strange Girl Press
"Dream House"
"Expo, Interrobang"
Hayden's Ferry Review (Spring-Summer)
"How to Wear Knee-High Lace-Up Steel Toe Boots"
"Practicing My Half-Smile"
Voices from the Attic XIX
"Home Security"
Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence
"The Sentence"
Bone Bouquet
Connotation Press
"Justin, Post-Storm"
Right Hand Pointing
"End Times"
"Letter after a Long Absence"
Prick of the Spindle
Blood Lotus
"Have You Seen This Girl?"
Escape into Life
"Radio Ad"
Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature
"Brain on TV"
Rufous City Review
"Divorce Is Such a Drag"
"Undercover with the Morning Cult"
Menacing Hedge
The Shwibly
[archive not available; here's the poem]
"Exit Plan"
"Neon Confessional"
13 Myna Birds
[archive not available; here are the poems]
"Dear Hysteria"
"Ode to the Letter J"
Voices from the Attic XVIII
"After Edvard Munch's Melancholy, 1891"
Oakland Review Alumni Issue
Open Thread Regional Review Vol. 2
Borrowed Bodies (Pudding House Press)
Sadly, Pudding House is no longer. This book is out of print and I have only about ten or so copies available. I've provided a link just to show you what the book looks like.